Environmental Monitoring VAISALA
No compromises on quality in windshear alert system
Sudden windshears or downdrafts are dangerous phenomena for aircraft during the takeoff and landing. Downdrafts typically arise in the tropics, and they have a connection to air accidents. At Bangkok airport SATEL radio modems are used in windshear alert system built by Vaisala.
Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement solutions. The company offers a wide range of innovative observation and measurement products and services for industrial companies, meteorology and many weather-dependent sectors, such as aviation. Vaisala serves customers in more than 150 countries.
At Bangkok airport SATEL radio modems handle LLWAS-system data transfers. The system observes inconsistencies in the winds around the airport.
Data transfer with radio technology
Bangkok’s new airport has wind sensors on 12 high masts. Wind stations send data once every 10 seconds. Based on continually updated information, the system calculates the consistency of the wind field and warns about sudden changes. The electricity required for the masts is obtained from solar panels, and data transfer is handled by radio modems.
The temperature can rise up to 40°C and there is no cooling or fan.
SATELLINE radio modems were chosen because of their low power requirement and suitability for 12-volt electrical systems. The modems operate reliably at distances up to 5 km or more, which is difficult to achieve with free frequency devices. It is also important that SATEL is a renowned manufacturer with impeccable testing documentation.
Reliability and ease of use
Although Vaisala builds its systems such that the malfunctioning of one device does not bring down the whole system, the project manager considers SATEL’s durability and reliability to be a big plus. In addition, user-friendliness and easy configuration are valued highly.
“The equipment’s mechanical structure inspires confidence, and maintenance has been absolutely excellent compared with some other manufacturers we’ve dealt with”, Vaisala’s project manager in the Bangkok project says.
Noticia: Satel