Designed for easy mobile use in demanding field conditions

SATELLINE-4Pro is an IP67 (NEMA 6) classified long range data radio modem with a high power transmitter (35 W), high data speed (28.8 kbps), wide tuning range and selectable channel spacing. It is designed for easy mobile use in demanding field conditions. IP67 ensures it is waterproof and secured against dust.

With the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and a keypad the user can monitor the current operating status (frequency and channel number) and power level, voltage level and field strength.

For mobile field applications

SATELLINE-4Pro is particularly well suited for mobile field applications under varying weather conditions. Due to the high transmitting power, connection distances over 80 kilometers can optimally be covered. SATELLINE-4Pro uses Forward Error Correction (FEC); advance checking and correction of the data packets minimize the error rate.

In SATELLINE-4Pro network any substation can function as a repeater. In this store and forward operating mode, the radio modem receives a message, buffers the received data, and transmits it further to another substation using the same radio channel as in reception.

SATELLINE-4Pro is compatible with SATELLINE-EASy products and it complies with the following international standards: FCC CFR47 part 90 and RSS-119 Issue 12



Frequency range 406.180 … 470 MHz
Tuning range 63.8 Mhz
Channel spacing 12.5 / 25 kHz
Sensitivity/Carrier power < -117 dBm / 35 W
Interface RS-232
Data speed Radio 28800 bps / Serial 115200 bps
Operating voltage +9 … +16 Vdc
Power consumption RX 1.8 W / TX 120 W (@ 500 mW)
Size/Weight 189 x 138 x 71 mm / 1420 g
Connectors 8-pin ODU / TNC f / 4-pin ODU