The advance of monitoring and automation systems and the increase of price of energy, forces that more and more municipalities install intelligent systems for public lighting
The advantages Satel Iberia provide for public lighting are the following:
- Optimisation of lighting uptime. Thanks to the internal astronomical clock of the dataloggers, sunset and sunrise can be predicted at any geographical location. In addition, it is possible to set a default safety time (e.g. turn on the lighting 15 min. before sunset) or even customize an on/off timing for each circuit. For example, on streets with an E-W orientation there is more sun light at dawn and dusk than on streets with an N-S orientation, therefore, we can set different on/off time.
- Real-time power consumption measurement allows detecting under-consumption at night caused by faults: damage, thefts or breakdowns in the luminaires and lamps. On the other hand, daytime over-consumption can be also detected, such as: illegal hook-ups to the energy supply network.
- The equipment can be integrated to a SCADA or to any Energy Management System (EMS) in the market.
- Remote action. Apart from the automatic control, it is also possible to carry out operations such as: maintenance work, extension of on/off time in celebration of local festivities…
- The solution is also valid for dimmable luminaires (regulation of intensity). It is capable of dimming gradually according to darkness or dawn of the place.
- Possibility of installing motion and/or lighting sensors.

In addition, a complete monitoring and remote-control system for public lighting. At panel level or luminaire level using radio frequency or PLC.
Supplement it with our software solution or choose any software in the market that suits your needs.